Taylor Beebe Client Operations Specialist
Taylor ensures our clients and potential clients feel welcome when visiting our Springfield, IL office. Aside from assisting clients and maintaining schedules, she prepares for client reviews and makes sure any outstanding client requests are taken care of in a timely matter.
Taylor is originally from the Chicago area and currently lives in Springfield, IL with her husband Cody and their four dogs. In her spare time, Taylor enjoys trips to HomeGoods, outdoor activities and spending time with family and friends.
Fun Facts about Taylor
Favorite holiday? Halloween! I love the spooky decorations and seeing all the creativity in the costumes each year.
Who is your role model, and why? My mom and dad. They’ve always drawn the best out of me and have shown me how far hard work and dedication can take you! They’re funny, selfless & beyond caring, I’m truly lucky to have them as parents.
Favorite quote? “Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one else is watching” – C.S Lewis