Christine Polansky Marketing Operations Director
Christine coordinates all educational workshop and client-appreciation events as well as represents the firm at community and charitable events. Christine is also a huge part of our client on-boarding process. She will ensure when becoming a client with Slagle Financial, your process is seamless and she makes sure any questions or concerns you may have are taken care of in a timely matter.
Christine is originally from Lakewood, CO, a suburb just outside of Denver. She made her way to the Illinois/St. Louis area on a bowling scholarship to McKendree University where she graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Christine currently resides in Troy, Illinois and enjoys golfing and riding bikes in her free time. She also still bowls competitively on the weekends in the area and has enjoyed bowling at the Professional level on the PWBA Tour since 2019.”
Fun Facts about Christine
Favorite quote? “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen” – Michael Jordan
Favorite Holiday? Halloween – I don't know why, but I have always enjoyed the decorations and seeing the creativity everyone has when getting dressed up for the holiday; plus, there is nothing better than the old school horror movies!
Role Model? My parents, they have worked hard and sacrificed so much to allow me the opportunities I had growing up. They have supported me through every stage of my life, and I don’t know where I would be without them. I have been so lucky to have them as my parents.